Taoist medicine works inside the vital currents that animate life. Treatment assists the healing intelligence that is inherent to a human being. Each patient is approached and treated individually and as a whole person, considering the interconnection of the physical body, the mind, and the spirit. By working with the natural movements of creation to correct the underlying cause of illness, treatment addresses a person’s health from a deep level, and from inside of the weave of life that makes us whole.

Five Element Acupuncture is a living tradition of medicine based in ancient Chinese Daoism and incorporating aspects from Korean, Vietnamese, and Japanese traditions. Rooted in the observation of the laws of nature - how these laws operate in the natural world, and how the entire universe is mirrored in each individual human being - this medicine works inside the wild currents of life, through the cycle of the seasons, to reach the root cause of disease and support the wellspring of life inside of each person.

In a time when almost every aspect of life on earth is struggling, when the relationship between humans and the rest of nature is becoming increasingly strained… [This medicine] carries the original map and the memory of what is possible for a human being, not just for immediate result, security or satisfaction, but for the stewardship of life, the potential of the life of each person and this planet. ”

-Laura Stelmok, BAc., MAc., Dipl. Ac.(NCCAOM), Virtue of Heaven/Earth